Councillors review 2019, look ahead to 2020
January 2, 2020
Each of Haldimand’s councillors were asked to review the biggest changes, accomplishments, and challenges in 2019 and to look ahead to 2020 and what they... ...read more

Oneida United Church celebrates Christmas at the Gore
December 12, 2019
To The Haldimand Press ONEIDA—The youth at Oneida United Church (County Rd. 9 and 2nd Line) are preparing for a weekend of celebration and invite... ...read more

Oneida Plowmen compete at 70th match
October 17, 2019
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Oneida Central kids learn bike safety
June 20, 2019
ONEIDA—A bike rodeo was held at Oneida Central School on June 5, 2019, led by Rod Leclair of Haldimand OPP; Mark Foster and Elaine and... ...read more

Spaghetti dinner, arts & film festival coming
June 12, 2019
To The Haldimand Press ONEIDA—The annual Spaghetti Dinner, Arts and Film Festival on Saturday, June 15, 2019 is a popular early summer tradition at Oneida... ...read more

Have Your Say: Memories
March 21, 2019
The co-publishers of The Press recently invited farm-related stories and photos from years past. I have no interesting photos from that period, for me the ...read more

Co-ed junior basketball teams compete
February 28, 2019
DUNNVILLE—Co-ed junior basketball teams from across Haldimand competed at Dunnville Secondary School on Wednesday, February 20, 2019. Pool A (shown above) was made up of... ...read more