HAGERSVILLE—Cornerstone Christian High School had a very successful soup fundraiser on Saturday, April 13, 2024 serving close to 100 people. The board was excited to introduce its new principal and give the community a chance to meet her and to enjoy fellowship and a good meal. They thank all who came out for the evening.
As previously reported, Cornerstone Christian High School is expected to open with its first Grade 9 and 10 classes on September 3, 2024. The committee is scheduling visits with families interested in sending their children. For info, visit cornerstonechristianhs.ca.
Cornerstone’s board members: Jacqueleen Vander Heide, Katlyn Guzar, Melanie DeBoer, Ryan Schuurman, Mark Vaarkamp and Jeff Hogeterp.
Ward 4 Councillor Marie Trainer and Cornerstone Christian High School board member Jacqueleen VanderHeide visit with the Schuurmans over dessert at the school’s first fundraiser.
Rosemarie Taylor, Katrina VandenHengel, and Judy Schuurman enjoying a chat after the meal. Right top, Mike VanBenthem, Aaron Miedema, Reuben DeBoer, and Christopher Vanden Hengel gathered around a table.
Mike VanBenthem, Aaron Miedema, Reuben DeBoer, and Christopher Vanden Hengel gathered around a table.
eanette Hogeterp helps some of the children who attended at the games table so their parents could visit and learn about the new school.
Annie and Minne Vandermolen and Hank Templeman enjoy fellowship after a meal of soup and buns.