By Haldimand Press Staff
HALDIMAND—The Crime Stoppers of Haldimand and Norfolk (CSHN) received three Ontario Crime Stoppers Association (OCSA) awards at the annual conference in November of 2022.
The OCSA Community Service Award recognizes Norfolk Shredding, which has gone “above and beyond” to support CSHN shredding events for the more than 10 years. Shredding takes place three times during the year in different locations in Haldimand and Norfolk.
According to the CSHN Board, “The company’s commitment to attending all the shredding events … helps protect the community’s identity against identity theft and also supports our program immensely.”

SIMCOE— Ken Schaus, recipient of OCSA President’s Award; Aimee Bernardo with the OCSA Gary Murphy Award given posthumously to Barbara Howden; and OPP Insp. J. Kays.
The late Barbara Howden was honoured posthumously with the OCSA Gary Murphy Lifetime Achievement Award. Howden joined the CSHN in 1990 and 2022 Chairman Ken Schaus says, “She was chair, she was secretary, she was everything.”
Howden passed away two years ago and CSHN wanted to see her recognized for all the work she had done. Schaus states, “She was a good candidate for the award.”
Schaus proved to be a good candidate himself as he was presented with the OCSA President’s Award. He represented the OPP in Crime Stoppers starting in 1995. Following his retirement as a police officer in December 1998, Schaus applied to join the CSHN Board of Directors and served as coordinator and chairperson.
The award nomination states, “Ken is always ready, willing, and able to be involved with all aspects of Crime Stoppers; not only attending but being actively involved in meetings, conferences, community presentations, and fundraising events.”
In particular, Schaus and his wife, Deanna, looked after the Annual Gala Dinner and Auction fundraiser.
Schaus is still called upon to make decisions, run meetings, and serve as an official spokesperson. His nominator continues, “He readily accepts this task and works hard to make sure that the program remains successful. I have no hesitation saying that without Ken’s leadership, commitment, work ethic, and dedication, CSHN Inc. would not be the success that it is today.”
OPP Inspector J. Kays extended appreciation to Schaus for his involvement and dedication on behalf the Haldimand and Norfolk detachments. In accepting the award Schaus says, “I’m proud to be honoured this way. It’s all volunteer hours. I’m happy to receive this.”
January is Crime Stoppers Month. For more information on CSHN, go to: