It’s Harvest Time
October 10, 2019
An earlier Haldimand Press article (July 11, 2019) suggested growing zucchini was a good way to introduce children to gardening. One day before Houston McGowan... ...read more

Agriculture’s role in Great Lakes water quality plans
October 10, 2019
By Brent Royce, Director, OFA To The Haldimand Press Every farmer works in concert with the natural environment. Water, air, and soil are the backbone... ...read more

Province of Ontario modernizing building code services
October 10, 2019
From the office of MPP Toby Barrett To The Haldimand Press Ontario is modernizing services related to the province’s building code to help speed up... ...read more

Speaker program coming
October 10, 2019
To The Haldimand Press DUNNVILLE—The Haldimand Speakers School (HSS) has an upcoming program coming to Dunnville this month. The purpose of Speakers School is to... ...read more

Drilling Rig Museum news
October 10, 2019
To The Haldimand Press RAINHAM—The Canadian Drilling Rig Museum Open House was held on September 21 and 22, 2019 and the weather certainly cooperated. It... ...read more

Every child and youth has a right to safety and well-being
October 10, 2019
To The Haldimand Press HALDIMAND—In October, Children’s Aid Societies raise awareness about the rights of children and youth to safety and well-being, and the responsibility... ...read more

Edinburgh Square hosting ‘haunted’ Halloween children’s programming
October 10, 2019
To The Haldimand Press CALEDONIA—Halloween is starting early in Caledonia! On Saturday, October 19, 2019 from 9 to 11:30 a.m., Edinburgh Square Heritage & Cultural... ...read more

Cayuga’s Fun Chip Bucket Auction is back!
October 10, 2019
To The Haldimand Press CAYUGA—Mark your calendar on November 16, 2019 for the fourth annual Fun Chip Bucket Auction. Hosted by the Optimist Club of... ...read more

Caledonia Library reading winners announced
October 10, 2019
CALEDONIA—This summer saw the highest number of participants and the most ballots received for prizes at the TD Caledonia Library Summer Reading Club. With the... ...read more

First year of phosphorus research in Lake Erie watershed completed
October 10, 2019
To The Haldimand HALDIMAND—Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) is wrapping up the first year of a proposed three-year study in the Lake Erie watershed. Research at... ...read more