Unhappy with the direction of the current Ontario government

To the Editors,
We want to express our unhappiness with the direction of the current Ontario government in general, and its position on the environment and the recent OPP commissioner appointment, specifically.
Doug Ford‘s constant focus on undoing/replacing many programs from the previous government (whether good or bad) in an effort to push his own agenda, seems that he still has a vendetta against all things Liberal. This reminds us of what’s happening south of the border – undoing something solely because the predecessor did it, seemingly without care or thought as to whether it had a positive effect on society.
Re: Bill 66 and its impact on the Greenbelt – We believe that losing further precious and limited farmland to development is a very bad idea. We would rather support local farms than have to rely on imported food (think food safety controls, California drought, under or unregulated companies in China etc)
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