Busy end of year for Dunnville Christian School

DUNNVILLE—As the school year was coming to a close Dunnville Christian School had a lot on the go. Above left, the SK and Grade 1 class had a wonderful time at the Niagara Safety Village in Welland. Students learned about road safety, fire safety, and about the job of a paramedic. Students had a great time trying out their road safety skills as they drove their own “car” around the village. Above right, DCS gave a big thank you to its sponsors, donors, volunteers, and golfers for supporting its 23rd annual golf tournament at the Dunnville Golf Club. “We raised over $20,000!” said DCS in a statement. “Thank you for making this year’s golf tournament un-fore-getable!” Below, the DCS girls’ baseball team placed third in the NDCS Baseball Tournament; congratulations to the team!         —Submitted photos.