CALEDONIA — It was a proud moment for the community of Caledonia, when local volunteer Michael Zyma was amoung those awarded a King Charles III Coronation Medal. Presented by Haldimand-Norfolk Member of Parliament Leslyn Lewis, the medal recognized Zyma’s outstanding contributions to community development and volunteerism.
The King Charles III Coronation Medal, administered by the Chancellery of Honours at Rideau Hall, commemorates the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III as King of Canada. With only 30,000 medals awarded nationwide, the honour is reserved for individuals who have made significant contributions to their communities or to Canada as a whole.
For Zyma, the medal represents more than personal achievement; it highlights the collective effort of countless volunteers who dedicate their time and energy to building stronger communities.
“This recognition isn’t just about me; it’s about everyone who has ever volunteered, contributed, or shown up for an event or a cause in our community,” Zyma shared during an interview with The Press.
Zyma is well known for his leadership role in organizing community events, including the widely celebrated Caledonia Community Cook-off: Let’s Help a Neighbour in Need, which earned Haldimand County’s Major Community Festival/Event designation in 2019.
Reflecting on the achievement, Zyma expressed gratitude to those who supported the event, including then-Mayor Ken Hewitt and a dedicated team of volunteers.
He is also the Grand Knight of the local branch of the Knights of Columbus.
“The chili cook-off has always been a labour of love, bringing people together, raising funds for good causes, and fostering community spirit,” Zyma said. “It’s moments like these that remind us of the power of collective effort.”
The nomination for the prestigious award came from Andrea Poirier, another active member of the Caledonia community.
The King Charles III Coronation Medal carries deep symbolic significance. Its design includes a crowned effigy of King Charles III on the obverse and frosted triangular shapes on the reverse, representing Canada’s provinces and territories. The circular arrangement symbolizes inclusivity and unity, values Zyma has consistently championed through his work.
When asked about what drives his passion for volunteering, Zyma responded with humility: “It’s about giving back. We’re all part of this community, and we all have a role to play in making it better. Whether it’s organizing events, supporting local causes, or simply lending a hand to a neighbour in need, every little bit counts.”
The King Charles III Coronation Medal ceremony serves as both recognition and encouragement for volunteers across Canada. It reminds everyone of the power of service and the difference one person can make in their community.
As Caledonia celebrates this honour, Michael Zyma remains focused on what he does best: serving his community with dedication and passion. Looking ahead, he hopes the recognition will inspire others to step forward and contribute.
“Volunteerism is the heart of our community,” Zyma said. “It’s not about recognition or awards; it’s about knowing that we’ve made a difference in someone’s life. That’s what truly matters.”