Sweet Potatoes: It’s Harvest Time
September 26, 2019
Unlike Irish (white) potatoes, which save better if the vines are allowed to die down for three weeks before digging, it’s extremely important to dig... ...read more

Drilling Rig hosts open house
September 26, 2019
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Liberals kick off campaign in HN
September 26, 2019
JARVIS—Kim Huffman, Liberal Party candidate for Haldimand Norfolk, is shown with supporter Winston Sardine at the HN Federal Liberal Campaign Kick Off at the Jarvis... ...read more

OPP reminds public to use 911 for emergencies only
September 26, 2019
To The Haldimand Press HALDIMAND—Haldimand OPP is reminding the public of the proper use for 911 calls and that the number is in place for... ...read more

Cayuga girl sets new provincial race walk record
September 26, 2019
To The Haldimand Press HALDIMAND—As predicted, the results from the September 1 Mini-Meet at Hagersville Secondary School were a harbinger of things to come, as... ...read more

Junior hockey update
September 26, 2019
Dunnville Mudcats After losing their first battle against Hagersville, the Dunnville Mudcats took their revenge in a hard-fought match on September 20. Hawk Peter Cappucci... ...read more

Mayor questions MTO’s communication of Argyle Bridge work in Caledonia
September 19, 2019
By Lindsey Stuckless The Haldimand Press CALEDONIA—Mayor Ken Hewitt said he was confused as to why the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is having communication with... ...read more

Dunnville teen launches clothing line
September 19, 2019
By Valerie Posthumus The Haldimand Press DUNNVILLE—Seventeen-year-old Trevor Hand began his own clothing line during the summer as part of a Summer Company program through... ...read more

Hummingbirds of Hope holding fundraiser for boy
September 19, 2019
By Sheila Phibbs The Haldimand Press JARVIS—The “Hummingbirds of Hope” are hosting a Family Bingo Night on Friday, September 27 from 7 p.m. to 9... ...read more

Rum runners at Lake Erie
September 19, 2019
To The Haldimand Press DUNNVILLE—During Prohibition, Lake Erie fishermen sometimes filled their boats with a catch they called “Midnight Herring”. If you listened carefully, you... ...read more