All are welcome at Cayuga Community Café

Featured image for All are welcome at Cayuga Community Café

By Sheila Phibbs

The Haldimand Press

CAYUGA—A love of cooking and a desire to help have combined to create the Cayuga Community Café, a new lunch program that begins on Friday, April 21, 2023 at St. John the Divine Anglican Church.

Vicky McLung and Yee Ling Wong are the driving force behind this initiative. Wong says, “With the cost of food and food insecurity, we thought we’d like to do something. The purpose is to provide a healthy, nutritious meal to anyone who wants or needs it.” 

They chose Fridays for the café to coincide with the food bank being open.

McLung and Wong share that food is something very close to their hearts. McLung is a retired teacher of high school Food and Nutrition, while Wong retired from a career in public health and three generations of her family worked in food service (her grandparents had a restaurant in Cayuga 60 years ago).

The duo has similar shopping styles and McLung states, “We are frugal!” Wong adds, “We will have a seasonal menu with what’s on sale to be as cost effective as possible.” Both are gardeners and plan to use excess produce from their home gardens when they can.

CAYUGA—Members and guests of the Haldimand District Women’s Institute enjoy lunch at the Cayuga Community Café.
—Haldimand Press photos by Sheila Phibbs.

In preparation for the opening of the Cayuga Community Café, a “trial run” was served to members of the Haldimand District Women’s Institute (WI) on April 14 featuring a menu of ham and split pea soup, dinner rolls, and apple cake or brownies for dessert along with tea and coffee. 

The guests gave credit to McLung and Wong, who are also WI members, for recognizing the need for a program like this in Cayuga. Beginning April 21 the café will operate on Fridays from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at St. John the Divine Anglican Church located at 39 Ottawa St., Cayuga. There is no charge for the lunch but donations will be accepted. 

The church is donating the space for the café and has provided some seed money as well. With no additional funding currently in place, any monetary donations or contributions of produce will be gratefully received. Wong says, “Everything is homemade. The more donations we can get, the more that will help.”

Volunteers are also welcome to join McLung and Wong as they plan and prepare the nourishing menus from the heart. 

It is their belief that the Cayuga Community Café may not only provide a warm meal but can also be a social place providing fellowship for those who visit. 

Wong says, “We are open to anyone who wants a simple, nutritious lunch. We hope they get more than just a bowl of soup out of it.”

For more information or to donate to the Cayuga Community Café, contact St. John the Divine Anglican Church at 905-772-5077.