The “On Your Own” 4-H Club invited the executive members of the Haldimand 4-H Association to attend their achievement night dinner. Since I am part of the executive, I was honoured and excited to attend. Each member of this club was making a dish to share, with not only us but with their parents as well. Under the guidance of leaders Sheila Phibbs and Bette Richards, this club was offered to members 16 years of age and older.

The “On Your Own” 4-H Club:
Leader Sheila Phibbs, Graham Phibbs, Stephen Phibbs, Joyce Fox, Harley Atkinson, Cassidy Thompson, Zoë Tjepkema, Leader Bette Richards
When I asked this group the best thing about this club, without hesitation, they all replied “the great conversations.” They felt comfortable expressing their opinions, and their input was used by the leaders to structure the club’s format. Although they knew each other before joining, this club gave them the safe and dedicated space to ask questions and have deeper discussions. When I asked if they learned anything, they laughed and said, “Oh yes – how to fold a fitted sheet and how to spritz while ironing!”
When I spoke with Sheila and Bette, they were so happy to have had a great group of members and were pleased with the entire club experience. The topics included personal finance, mental health, home and vehicle maintenance, cooking, and planning for the future. Where did the members want to be in five years, and then 10 years? The underlying message was dream big, anything is possible.
The potluck dinner was delicious and I could not resist asking if anyone would be willing to share their recipe for this column. They all said yes! I will need to write a second article in order to include them all. Enjoy!