At a recent Reading Club meeting, we were discussing books we own that are unique in some way. Jean Lyall brought one of her favourite cookbooks, “Food that Really Schmecks” by Edna Staebler, published in 1969. I was certainly familiar with this book but never had the opportunity to look at it in detail, so I asked Jean if I could borrow hers.
Edna Staebler (1906-2006) was born in Berlin (now Kitchener-Waterloo), Ontario. She was an award-winning journalist and a member of the Order of Canada. From the title page we learn that the book is about “Mennonite Country Cooking as prepared by my Mennonite friend, Bevvy Martin, my mother, and other fine cooks”. Edna shared not only the recipes of others but the stories of life in Waterloo County, and that of her friend Bevvy, an Old Order Mennonite. I discovered a kindred spirit!
Each chapter gives us a glimpse into a different aspect of life for rural women, plus notes on the history of the county and its people. Interspersed are humorous stories and quotes from the women. I chose the Schnippled Bean Salad recipe to share because Edna mentions this in her introduction and also referenced it later in the book. It is indicative of her easy-going, down-to-earth writing style where she makes the reader feel like you are just swapping recipes with your next-door neighbour.