Haldimand pays tribute to veterans past and present

HAGERSVILLE—The Hagersville Legion held a Veteran’s Night on Saturday, November 5, 2022. Above is (back row, l-r) Glen Jorgenson; Ian Davidson; George Roach, Canadian Navy, Submarine service; Marwood White, US Marine Corp; (front row) Gordon Rowland, US Airforce; Al Walsh, Canadian Artillery; and Jim Yates. Below left is Mary and Al Walsh. Al Served in the 2nd and 4th Regiments RCA – Artillery. Mary once sent Al out for some milk when he didn’t return for a very long time – he was assigned a new post with the 1st Canadian Guard. “When you were called up, you went, straight away. No questions asked!” says Al. Below right, Terry Esselment (middle) and Lois and Bruce Gifford have been attending events at the Hagersville Legion for over 40 years. —Haldimand Press photos by Kerstein Mallon.

HAGERSVILLE—The Hagersville Legion hosted its first Remembrance service on Sunday, November 6, 2022. Above, various groups stand along Alma Street South to watch the ceremony. Below left, one of the many flags on display. Below right, kids from Hagersville Elementary School place a wreath. Hagersville will host a second service on Remembrance Day, beginning at the Legion at 10:30 a.m. and marching to the cenotaph. —Haldimand Press photos by Mike Renzella.


JARVIS—A service of remembrance took place at the Jarvis cenotaph on November 6. The service began with a processional led by piper Murray McKnight. Rev. Canon Richard Moorse conducted the service with members of the Jarvis Ministerial and various community groups sharing prayers, scripture, special readings, and the roll call of “local heroes who have fallen in the service of our country.”  Three levels of government, the OPP, and several community groups were represented for the laying of wreaths at the Jarvis cenotaph. Above, Jarvis Public School student Amadea Butcher pauses for a moment after laying a wreath on behalf of her school. At right, the cenotaph following the laying of wreaths. —Haldimand Press photos by Sheila Phibbs.

SELKIRK—A Remembrance service and gathering were hosted in Selkirk on Saturday, November 5, 2022. Above, volunteers Dave Gifford, Grace McPherson, Amelya Radzick, Linda Hunt, and Graham Bishop served delicious lunches with a smile. Below left, Brian Cooper of Selkirk Fire Detachment lays a wreath to honour the fallen. Below right, Legion members hoist a variety of flags.         —Haldimand Press photos by Kerstein Mallon.