Haldimand River Cats to play Remembrance Day hockey game: Tribute game to support Dunnville’s cadets

Featured image for Haldimand River Cats to play  Remembrance Day hockey game: Tribute game to support Dunnville’s cadets

To The Haldimand Press

CAYUGA—The Haldimand River Cats PeeWee BB female hockey team will be playing a special Remembrance Day hockey game in honour of all who have served their country in a military or first responder role.

The River Cats are part of the Lower Lakes Female Hockey Association playing in the 12 to 13 year old age group.  The team has purchased a set of commemorative camo-styled jerseys in honour of the event.

The upcoming game is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. on November 9, 2019 at the Cayuga Memorial Arena and admission is free.

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