Oneida United Church Women honours members

ONEIDA—The United Church Women (UCW) of Oneida United Church held a special tea and luncheon on Saturday, June 8, 2024 to celebrate and honour the women of the congregation for their many accomplishments and their commitment and dedication to the church. United Church of Canada UCW Honourary Lifetime Member pins were presented to Alma Hayes, Joan McBurney, Nancy McConachie, and Jean Smith. Four members who now reside in long-term care – Eleanor Peart, Eleanor Piette, Nancy Leonard, and Ruby Reichheld – were recognized with certificates of achievement for their years of service. Though these women were unable to attend, Eleanor Peart’s daughters, Susan Elmes and Carolyn Mullins, were present to accept on her behalf. The UCW also recognized Rev. Diane Viney, minister at both Oneida and Canfield United, on her recent ordination. Pictured sitting (l-r) are the new UCW Honourary Lifetime Members: Nancy McConachie, Joan McBurney, Jean Smith, Alma Hayes. Standing: Melanie Blum, Oneida UCW President; Marilyn Vanderbolt, Oneida United Church Clerk of Session; Rev. Diane Viney; Susan Elmes; Carolyn Mullins. 

—Haldimand Press photo by Sheila Phibbs.