By Sheila Phibbs
The Haldimand Press
As November 11 draws near, services and special activities are being planned by each of the Legions in the county. This is an opportunity for people to honour our veterans and remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
In Dunnville, the march to the cenotaph will leave the Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) Branch 142 (305 Queen St.) at 10:30 a.m. The procession will include Legion members, the fire department, air cadets, and Colour Party and will arrive at the cenotaph at approximately 10:45 a.m. There will be a moment of silence at 11 a.m, a three gun salute, and the laying of wreaths. The community is invited to lay wreaths at the end of the service. There will be a time of camaraderie, which will follow at the Legion, and a Veterans’ Dinner will take place that evening.
In Hagersville, the commemoration begins at 10:40 a.m. with a parade from the RCL Branch 164 (5 Alma St.) to the cenotaph at the Sgt. Andrew Harnett Memorial Park. The service will be conducted by the Branch with a reception to follow at the Legion.
In Caledonia, parade participants will gather at the RCL Branch 154 (29 Caithness St. E.) at 10:30 a.m. and march to the cenotaph located at Edinburgh Square. Fellowship and a light lunch will take place at the Legion following the service. A flag raising ceremony will take place at the Legion at 1 p.m.
In Cayuga, those wishing to attend the Remembrance Day ceremony can meet at the cenotaph by the Courthouse (55 Munsee St. N.) at 10:45 a.m. Refreshments will be shared at the RCL Branch 159 (11 Talbot St. W.) after the service. There will be musical entertainment in the afternoon beginning around 1 p.m.
Services in Jarvis and Selkirk took place on November 5 and 6.
Members of the community are encouraged to take the time to observe Remembrance Day and attend a service if possible. It is a simple yet significant way to ensure that “we will remember them.”