If you have had the pleasure of visiting or calling The Haldimand Press office in Hagersville, then you have likely experienced the smiling face or the warm friendly voice of Rachel Vaarkamp, our Office Administrator. In October she will be celebrating 10 years with The Press. There are many aspects of her work that she enjoys. The detailed work of keeping a set of books, paying the bills, stuffing envelopes, and reconciling a bank statement is work that Rachel finds very satisfying. Even as a young child, her mother encouraged her interest by letting her help with the household bookkeeping. Rachel also has the opportunity to talk with many people through The Press office and this brings her much joy. The added bonus is having Jillian and Kaitlyn as patient and flexible bosses.

Rachel Vaarkamp
Rachel grew up on a beef farm outside of Seaforth in Huron County. It was through Junior Farmers that she met Mark, her husband. In 2013 they married and she made the move to his farm in Oneida Township. Together they have three young children aged 9, 7, and 4.
I had asked Rachel about sharing some of her favourite recipes and first on her list is her mother’s homemade salad dressing. She said her mom, Debbie Haney, makes the best egg salad and devilled eggs, and the secret is using this homemade dressing. Debbie received this recipe from an Amish friend in Millbank. Rachel said she never truly appreciated how delicious it really was until she became an adult!
Rachel enjoys her garden as it provides the basis for healthy food options for her growing family. She also likes to share its bountiful harvest with her co-workers. This year the gardening has proved to be a bit of a challenge with her three children. One needs space for his tractors and excavators, the second needs a quiet place to just sit, while the third needs space to plant her 4-H cut flower seeds! The children also enjoy cooking and baking with Rachel. It provides a fun time to learn and under her direction, they can think things through. For example, one time her daughter was going to add two tablespoons of salt when it should only be two teaspoons.
The rhubarb patch is flourishing, so it was only fitting that she offered her rhubarb muffin recipe. This recipe is from the Egmondville United Church Cookbook, which is the church Rachel attended as a youth. As I have heard from many others, church cookbooks are ‘the best’ and Rachel has a cupboard full of them. Enjoy!