Haldimand Norfolk Concert Band performs

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SOUTH CAYUGA—On Thursday, November 21, 2024 the South Cayuga Community Church welcomed the 40-member Haldimand Norfolk Concert Band. At right, Conductor Joanne Romanow guides the band through their performance. More than 150 people from the surrounding area attended to enjoy the music. Jenelle Richardson, one of several committee members for the event, said, “The event was a fundraiser (by free will donation) towards the band and the church. This is what they do around Haldimand Norfolk. They have different events and this is how they keep functioning.” The church put together hospitality bags that were given out to those who attended; one such bag is shown inset at right, with a note inside encouraging those who received one to refill it and pass it on. For information about the South Cayuga Community Church visit thesouthcayugacommunitychurch.com or call 905-774-5150. For information on the Haldimand Norfolk Concert Band email hnconcertband@gmail.com or call or text 226-388-1083.

—Haldimand Press photos by Valerie Posthumus.