HALDIMAND—Veterans and community members gathered this weekend to pay tribute to local and national veterans on November 11 in Hagersville, Caledonia, Cayuga, and Dunnville and November 12 in Jarvis.
Two wreaths are laid at the cenotaph.
The Caledonia Ministerial was among those walking in the parade.
a large Canadian flag hangs from a firetruck.
The Colour Party marches out at the end.
The Hagersville Legion Colour Party marches to the cenotaph. —Haldimand Press photos by Mike Renzella.
A trumpeter performs the Last Post.
Local students lay wreaths at the Hagersville cenotaph.
JARVIS—Jarvis Community Christian School welcomed the Hagersville Legion for a memorable Remembrance Day assembly. Students led the legion members and veterans in reading In Flanders Fields and the JCCS choir performed. —Submitted photo.
JARVIS—A service of remembrance was held on November 12, 2023 at the Jarvis cenotaph. The service began with a processional led by piper Jim Yates and included prayers, scripture, special readings, and the roll call of “local heroes” whose lives were lost in service. Pictured are the graves of Commonwealth Airmen in the Knox Cemetery with flags laid by Jarvis Public School students.
the cenotaph with its wreaths placed. Several Haldimand politicians were in attendance (right), including MPP Bobbi Ann Brady, MP Leslyn Lewis, and Mayor Shelly Ann Bentley. —Haldimand Press photos by Sheila Phibbs.
Dunnville Legion members salute the cenotaph. —Photo courtesy of Haldimand Photography Club Member Joel D’Eath.
The Dunnville Remembrance Day ceremony included a large contingent of firefighters from local halls (left), a gun salute (centre), cadets standing guard at the cenotaph (right), and more. —Photos courtesy of Haldimand Photography Club member Joel D’Eath