HALDIMAND—Residents are invited to participate in the second round of Community Open House sessions to review and provide feedback on a proposed Traffic Management Strategy. These sessions build on input gathered during the first round of public engagement and are a vital opportunity for residents to help shape the strategy’s development.
During the open house sessions, attendees will have the opportunity to review proposed recommendations informed by community feedback from the first round of engagement and research, learn more about a draft Traffic Calming Policy Framework, and speak directly with County staff and consultants working on the initiative. Two sessions are being offered.
Dunnville Open House – Tuesday, February 4
- 6-8 p.m. at Dunnville Community Lifespan Centre, 275 Ramsey Dr.
Caledonia Open House – Thursday, February 6
- 6-8 p.m. at Haldimand County Caledonia Centre – Remax Room, 100 Haddington St.
The County values community participation and encourages residents to attend and share their thoughts on this important initiative.
Feedback gathered will play a critical role in shaping the final recommendations that will be presented to Council in the form of a Traffic Management Strategy in spring 2025.
Residents who are unable to attend the open house are encouraged to participate by submitting feedback through the project web page at haldimandcounty.ca/trafficstrategy.