Wonderful VBS held at South Cayuga Community Church

Group photo of kids in church
SOUTH CAYUGA—South Cayuga Community Church hosted a successful “WONDER CAMP” from July 31 to August 3, 2023! We had on average 40 children enrolled who enjoyed four days of crafts, games, songs, stories, and of course yummy snacks, all related to our theme “God’s BIG Family.” With the help of many volunteers, they were able to provide leadership that helped make lasting memories and wonderful new friendships. A BIG thank you to Rainham Central School for the use of their ukuleles. As a group we had two special missions that we were happy to help with: Salvation Army Dunnville Food Bank and MCC School Kits, which will be packed and sent to needy countries around the world.
Paper people art of all different colours on a wall
Our theme was diversity and the above wall art was created by Vanessa Deeg and her two sons, Simon and Leo, to show that people in this world are all different and how great it would be if we could all learn to live in harmony with each other. It would make for a much better world. —Submitted by Jenelle Richardson with photos by Donna Mulder.