Good Deeds Cup inspires Dunnville PeeWee Reps
January 9, 2019
By Kaitlyn Clark The Haldimand Press DUNNVILLE—The Dunnville PeeWee Reps have launched their video submission as they vie for one of the top 10 spots... ...read more

The fight for Steven Bishop
January 4, 2019
By Kaitlyn Clark The Haldimand Press HALDIMAND—Maureen Francella loves her son, Steven Bishop. She describes him as “very loving, happy, energetic, and social”. However, she... ...read more

Therapy dog brings pawsitive vibes to patients
January 4, 2019
HAGERSVILLE—Eliza Doolittle is a 9-year-old Cairn terrier, owned by West Haldimand General Hospital (WHGH) volunteer Catherine Edwards. She is a St. John Ambulance certified therapy ...read more

Timber Mart donates $25,000 to seven local charities
November 28, 2018
HALDIMAND—Laird McKeen, owner of the Caledonia and Jarvis Timber Mart stores, felt it was time to give back. So he, along with his wife Mary... ...read more

Back 40 donates
November 28, 2018
CAYUGA—The Back 40 Family Restaurant and Sports Bar donated $1,000 to JL Mitchener Public School earlier this month. The money was raised from a golf... ...read more

A lifetime of love: 38 years & 80 kids
November 28, 2018
By Valerie Posthumus The Haldimand Press RAINHAM CENTRE—To say Raymond and Gwen Schaeffer are busy would be an understatement. With two biological children, three adopted... ...read more

Love of community has Caledonia volunteer firmly rooted
November 21, 2018
By Sheila Phibbs The Haldimand Press CALEDONIA—What do the Caledonia Legion Ladies Auxiliary, the Caledonia Agricultural Society, the Haldimand Choralairs, and the Haldimand Horticultural Society... ...read more

A man and his sleigh
November 14, 2018
By Catherine Berry Stidsen To The Haldimand Press CAYUGA—On Saturday, November 10, 2018, 30 family members and friends of Stan and Joan Lint came to... ...read more

Haldimand Abilities Centre reaches 10-year milestone
October 10, 2018
By Sheila Phibbs The Haldimand Press HAGERSVILLE—A decade of programming at the Haldimand Abilities Centre (HAC) has covered everything from music to motion to crafts... ...read more