By Linda Link
To The Haldimand Press
SOUTH CAYUGA—At South Cayuga Community Church, you never know what surprise is ahead!
On Sunday, February 19, 2023 South Cayuga Community Church celebrated a “Rest is for REST Sunday.” Upon entering the church, congregants were given a passport containing the order of service, which included our “photo” of a very tired face emoji and our names written as “God’s beloved, chosen, loved & forgiven.”
For several weeks now, Pastor Dawn has been delivering messages inspired by both scripture and the book Alphabet of Faith by author Sara Jewell. Church-goers (both in-person and online) never know what Pastor Dawn is going to offer up as fun on any given Sunday.
For February 19, congregants were encouraged to dress in Hawaiian attire or pyjamas – clothing you’d wear for rest and sleep or perhaps a vacation for fun and relaxation. As you can see in the picture, many dressed in Hawaiian shirts and dresses.
The scripture reader this week made everyone laugh when he explained that he regularly rests on Sundays – sometimes during church or sometimes just at home – but today he said he was going to exercise his snoring muscles! Fortunately, no such sounds were observed.
Pastor Dawn relayed a story to us, that a woman who was rest and sleep deprived fell asleep in the dentist chair and the hygienist had to shake her awake, asking her to keep her mouth open so her teeth could be cleaned. Can you imagine falling asleep in the dentist chair? You would have to be really, really exhausted! Rest and laughter are necessary acts for survival and both are necessary for a more peaceful and less stressful life.
Come check us out some Sunday at 10 a.m. – you never know what we’ll be up to!