Where was Patterson during the AMO delegation?

To the Editors,

Enjoyed the extensive article re. our representation at the annual Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) in the August 29 issue, namely Mayor Bentley, and Councillors John Metcalf, Patrick O’Neill, and Stewart Patterson.

Councillor Metcalfe was quoted saying he, O’Neill, and Mayor Bentley attended the delegation, and seemed to have an effective 15 minutes with the Minister of Health lobbying for Aging in Place and Senior Support Services.

There seems to be something missing, however, from the report.

Where was Councillor Patterson?

After his embarrassing motion in June to ban our MPP from the official delegation and the ensuing brouhaha in the Council chambers the following week, I would have thought that he would have made it a point to attend that meeting, being as it was the only delegation from Haldimand that was accepted out of the six requested.

Bruce Burton,
